Living Waters Training: Equipping through Immersion

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More information about our Living Waters Leadership Training below.

Fees include meals, accommodations, and seminar materials.

Kansas City, KS -- July 12 - 17, 2025

Savior Pastoral Center

 $1,295 double occupancy
$1,595 single occupancy



Sierra Madre, CA -- January 25 - 30, 2026

 Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center

$1,595 single occupancy (all private rooms with private bathrooms)



 Why get trained?

The training  equips men and women for effective ministry to the sexually and relationally broken. Some spaces are reserved for those who want to come for personal healing. 

How am I trained?

Participants are trained through a combination of large group teaching, ministry sessions and small groups. The main emphasis of the training will be greater personal healing for you. Through healing prayer, we invite the Holy Spirit to mend our various wounds. As we enter into the healing process together, we learn how to heal others.

What is taught?

Teachings will be on a variety of issues such as:

Effective Prayer Ministry
Becoming Responsive to the Father’s Love
Listening for the Healing Word
The Cross and Confession
Overcoming Addiction
Renouncing Idols
The Roots of Our Brokenness
Understanding and Praying for the Healing of Sexual Abuse
Restoring Boundaries
Restoring Honor to Men and Women
Becoming "living water" for the local Church

Participants will become familiar with the Living Waters program and its 20 lessons in the Living Waters Guidebook.

Who should come to a training?

Living Waters Trainings are for men and women seeking to start a healing group in their local church or strengthen an existing group in your area. If you are in leadership, whether in healing ministry, an existing group or in a pastoral position you are encouraged to apply.

As one who will be leading others through a healing process it is expected that you have entered into your own process of healing and found freedom and growth in Christ-centered relationships. 


Living Waters is one of the great resources available today for those seeking healing for sexual and relational brokenness. Grounded in Christian Anthropology, the power of grace, and a trust in Christ working through the members of his Body, I highly recommend Living Waters for those looking for a solid path to restored integrity.

Bishop James V. Johnston Jr., Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph



As a bishop I am grateful to Andrew Comiskey and the staff of Desert Stream Ministries for developing the Living Waters program to equip the Church and all of her communities with the tools they need to help their members who struggle with sexual and relational brokenness.  Living Waters offers a practical, Catholic-friendly approach to the pastoral care of people who experience same-sex attraction, gender identity issues, relational brokenness and other personal challenges that keep them from experiencing the joy and integrity that spring forth from the virtue of Christian chastity.  I wholeheartedly encourage Catholic pastors and pastoral ministers to prayerfully consider using the Living Waters program in their respective dioceses and parishes.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas


I can’t begin to say what a gift it was to go to the Living Waters Training in PA. In my role as the Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Leadership Development at Bridgetown Church Portland I am keenly aware of the profound need for healing that leads to an integrated life. At the LW Training, I was able to experience an integrated and unexpected healing on a deeply personal level. Through the small group time, confession, the robust theological and practical content, and the gift of inner healing prayer I was able to enter into more of who it is that Jesus has both created and called me to be specifically as a woman in his Kingdom. In the Living Waters program there is an undeniable call to fidelity to Jesus at all costs and at the same time there is an abundance of grace for the brokenness that each of us carry.

Bethany Allen, Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Leadership Development, Bridgetown Church



The Living Waters Training is a much needed practical and pastoral counterpart to the brilliant insights and wisdom of Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body.  It provided the opportunity for me, personally, to grow and to heal in unexpected ways.  I would love to see this small group model for growth in chastity and healthy relating planted throughout the Catholic Church.

Christopher West, President of Theology of the Body Institute




Twelve years ago, I was a new Christian who needed freedom from sexual addiction and clarity about God's best for me in my same-sex attraction.  Living Waters was a place for me to receive what I needed from Jesus.  Now, as a pastor at a young evangelical church, Living Waters is providing that same hope and healing to this generation, who needs the redemption that only Jesus can bring about in their bodies, sexuality, and relationships. 

Andrew Franklin, Pastor at Mosaic Church, Eastside Seattle


To hear more Living Waters testimonies, click here.

For more information, please email Marco Casanova at:

