
Desert Stream/ Living Waters Internship


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"What sets Living Waters leadership apart is their willingness to allow God to meet them in their pain; to take the
shameful, broken places in their lives and allow God to use them for His glory.” – Dean Greer

The Desert Stream/ Living Waters Internship Program is for individuals considering full-time ministry to the sexually and relationally broken, specifically through the Living Waters program. 

During an internship (typically 1 year), intern directors and other Desert Stream staff walk with an intern in their efforts to become a whole/ integrated man or woman—sexually, emotionally and spiritually. Interns enter into the ministry culture of the Desert Stream office, participating in daily office and ministry tasks for the purpose of growing in an ability to work in ministry to the sexually and relationally broken. 

The internship program seeks to impart the core values of Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries, including:

  • Intimacy with God leading to greater personal healing, and dealing with issues of wounding and sin
  • Spiritual disciplines such as confession, fasting, and intercession
  • Growing in listening prayer 
  • Ecumenism in the body of Christ
  • Developing a strategy for introducing DSM/LW programs in their region, church, etc.

General Information:

Who Are Our Interns?
We have had interns from all over the United States and different parts of the world. Most have actively participated in Desert Stream/Living Waters programs for many years. Most have demonstrated their commitment to minister to the sexually and relationally broken before coming to DSM/LW.

Former interns have overseen groups in Australia, Europe, Asia, Latin America and in different regions of the United States.

How Do We Choose Our Interns?
We give priority to applicants who feel a specific call to healing ministry, have participated in a DSM/LW program, and have attended the Desert Stream Leadership/Living Waters Training. We consider other applicants based on the strength of their pastoral and personal recommendations.

Please note: A face to face interview with the intern applicant is required, whether in person (optimal) or via

What is the internship like? What exactly is involved?
Interns are involved in the day-to-day workings of Desert Stream/Living Waters ministries. This includes a prayer gathering each morning and general office duties such as: reception, data entry, correspondence, preparation of a monthly partner mailing, conference administration, as well as weekly and monthly staff meetings.

Interns participate in local DSM/LW groups and administrative activities as well as a week-long US Living Waters Training when one is scheduled.

Through the course of their internship, interns meet twice a week with the intern directors for personal growth and reflection and engagement with a personalized healing curriculum.

Interns are required to write a weekly paper (1 to 2 pages), reflecting on the life applications of the assigned readings. Internship materials are provided.

Groups and Gatherings:
During the year, interns play an important part in Desert Stream/Living Waters from conferences and training.  That includes sharing their testimonies, teaching, praying for others, and administrating events.

The office is open Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-4:30pm. Each intern’s schedule is worked out with the Intern Directors.


How long is the internship?
Usually the internship starts in September and runs for 6 – 12 months. Three month summer internships are possible through approval of Executive Director and Intern Directors.

Where would I live?
Housing is not provided but there are many affordable housing opportunities in the Grandview/ Kansas City area. The cost varies: from $300-400/month to live with housemates, up to $1,000/month to live alone (not including utilities). If needed, we will do our best to assist you in finding housing.

Do I need a car?
Yes. Access to a car is optimal as public transportation to the office is limited. If that is not possible, (especially for non-US interns), we will try to work with you in arranging transportation, or housing within walking distance to office.

Does Desert Stream/Living Waters provide any financial assistance?
No. Desert Stream/Living Waters does not provide any financial assistance to interns.
We urge all interns to raise support in advance. Many fund-raise through their home churches, local community, family and friends. As much as possible, the Intern Directors will work with interns in their fundraising efforts.

How much money will I need?
We recommend a minimum of $1,000/monthly for a single person to $2,500/monthly for a family.

What about my social needs?
We will make every effort to welcome you and help as you adjust to a new environment. However, we should not be your only source of social interaction and community.

Do I need a computer?
Yes. It is recommended that each intern have outside access to a computer. Office computers are not for personal business.

Can I start raising money now?
Once you have been accepted into the program you will be instructed about raising financial support.
Do not begin raising support until that time.

What do I do when I get to Kansas City?
Your arrival plans will be worked out with the Intern Directors once you are accepted into the program.

Should I Apply?

Please take into account the following questions:

  • What is your vision for using what you learn during the internship?
  • Do you have a local church to return to after the internship that would like to establish Desert Stream/Living Waters programs? If programs exist in your area, are you working with the local leaders?
  • Pray!
  • Apply by downloading and submitting an application

If you have any other questions please contact us:
Phone: 816.767.1730

Intercessory Internship

Seeking men and women called to stand in the gap and cry out for truth, hope and transformation. Be a voice that empowers others to live in the fullness of God’s plan for their gender and sexuality. 15-20 hours a week

Intercessory Internship

Intercessory Internship seeks to:

  • Impart the core values of Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries. These include: intimacy with God, confession, intercession, fasting, listening prayer, further personal healing through community, service  of and greater exposure to the whole Body of Christ.
  • Help the intern deal with sin and wounding, as well as the discovery of the gift that (s)he is.
  • Educate and grow intern through personal mentoring, and extensive times of group and personal intercession.
  • Impart leadership values of Desert Stream Ministries/Living Waters through participation in DSM/LW groups and intercession activities. Intercessory Interns may also participate in the week-long US Living Waters Training

We believe each intern will:

  • Deepen their personal relationship with God.
  • Discern, develop and strengthen their spiritual gift and calling.
  • Refine their intercession skills especially for: the sexually and relationally broken, those exploring alternate gender identities and those who love them, and the Church.

How Do We Choose Our Intercessory Interns?

We give priority to applicants who feel a specific call to healing ministry and intercession, have participated in a DSM/LW program, or have attended the Desert Stream Leadership/Living Waters Training. We consider applicants based on the strength of their personal life of prayer, pastoral and personal recommendations.

Please note: A face to face interview with the intern applicant is required, whether in person (optimal) or via Skype.

What is the Intercessory Internship like? What exactly is involved?

Interns are involved in a significant number of Desert Stream/Living Waters ministries staff prayer times. This includes participation in staff intercession a minimum of two mornings a week, one-two afternoon prayer times as well as several weekly personal intercession times, hours TBD. The intern will work closely with the Director of Intercession, and will meet bi-weekly with the intern directors for personal growth and reflection.

Groups and Gatherings:

During the year, interns play an important part in Desert Stream/Living Waters conferences and training. This includes interceding for these events, praying for others, and basic administrating of events. Their involvement may include sharing their testimonies and teaching.


The office is open Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-4:30pm. Each intern’s schedule is worked out with the Intern Directors. Intercessory Interns work and pray a minimum of 15-20 hours a week.

