Immerse this Easter

Immerse this Easter

Author: Andrew Comiskey
April 15, 2021

Easter lasts longer than any other holy season. Makes sense. God invites us to linger in the waters, to immerse ourselves in new life—to take the most time to familiarize ourselves with the Risen Christ.

And He is stirring the waters throughout Easter’s 50 days at our weekly Immerse meetings in midtown KC. Our 90 minutes together is tuneful and direct. We hear a poignant, articulate witness of Jesus’ healing power. Then, while singing, we release great drafts of living water for any person, any affliction.

We expect the Risen Christ. Without the dramatics. Gratefully. Two reasons we don’t like being tagged ‘charismatic’ or ‘Spirit-filled’ or ‘experiential’: all Christians are heirs of the fullness of the Spirit and His gifts, whether they exercise them or not. Our exercising does not warrant a special title. Second, many people have weird experiences of a ‘charismatic’ season in their life in which the Spirited behaved badly, inspiring fear and confusion and sometimes manipulation. How many of us have weathered a ‘thus saith the Lord’ from an imbalanced leader?

We claim no special connection to the Divine. We just believe that Jesus came to bind up broken hearts (Lk. 4:18) and employs His members to do so. We exercise a light touch, with the child-like belief that God still wants to do what He did in the Gospels and Acts.

St. John ends his Gospel this way: ‘Jesus did many other things as well. If everyone of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written’ (Jn. 21:25).

Immerse thyself; invite Jesus to add a healing chapter to your book.

Every Thursday night thru May 20th, 7-830pm, Our Lady of Good Counsel, KC MO.

