DSM 2023 Mid-Year Newsletter

DSM 2023 Mid-Year Newsletter

Author: Annette Comiskey
June 05, 2023

Jesus Revolution was a surprise box-office hit; it captured well the 1968 Jesus People movement in Southern California. Although my personal “Jesus Revolution” came a few years later at the Vineyard West Los Angeles, our pastor Kenn Gulliksen (founder of the Vineyard) was one of the first pastors on staff at Calvary Costa Mesa under Chuck Smith. 

My favorite scene in the movie: Lonnie Frisbee sharing prophetic words during a church service.  Jesus was on the move—healing, comforting, delivering His people. Andy and I started attending the Vineyard in 1979: I needed a word and touch from God.  Deeply wounded as a child from sexual abuse, I loved Jesus but felt unworthy to receive His love. 

Revolutionary Jesus disarmed my defenses at our first Vineyard service.

The musical worship was unlike any I have ever heard. My heart opened and God deposited in me a spirit of singing open-heartedly to God that remains to this day. Kenn’s teaching declared simply and profoundly the love of Jesus. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, I was delivered that day of a stronghold of unworthiness by the tender love of God. I remain free for Divine Love today.

Holy Spirit-led prayer times at the end of each service deepened His healing work in me. I would stand before the Cross with others and await the Spirit’s movement. As the music played, sensitive prayer ministers offered words aimed at my broken heart. Simple yet nuanced, these were kisses from God to me, utterly personal! 

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