Bravo to North Carolinians Who Stood for Marriage

Bravo to North Carolinians Who Stood for Marriage

Author: Andrew Comiskey
May 09, 2012

I am about to impart some prophetic healing ministry to our Living Waters Leaders in Belgium and France; our groups have flourished in the French-speaking world amid profound sexual immorality and unbelief about the authority of the Church to heal the sexually broken. Yet the going is rough for them, and we are all encouraged and strengthened by the news of victory in North Carolina.

That state just passed a constitutional amendment that upholds marriage as solely heterosexual while prohibiting activist judges from claiming that ‘gay marriage’ is constitutional. Due to the new law, these judges cannot overturn the existing law, as they did in Iowa and California.
Everyone who supports ‘gay marriage’ came out in droves to forbid this amendment from passing–activists and their supporters (including Bill Clinton and VP Joe Biden) filled the air with such a din of propaganda that I wondered if marriage would actually be upheld this time.

Forgive me for selling short the American people who when given a vote have always had the good sense to respect others’ differences while upholding marriage for what it is: one man wed to one woman for the sake of the new life they create.

Bravo to the 61% of North Carolinians who stood for marriage. The federal court (which will ultimately decide the definition of marriage in the USA) hears your voice. Let all the states who will once again vote on the definition of marriage this November follow your courageous lead. Let Obama hear your voice as his own cabinet is pressuring him to ‘come out’ and make public his allegedly pro-gay marriage views. Let us all rejoice that North Carolina honored marriage for the good of all.

The nations of the earth still listen and take heart at the righteous acts of our nation.

