Living Waters Training

Applicant Information

*Marital status
Which training are you applying for?

Personal and Group Information

What is/are the main issue(s) for which you sought/seek personal healing?

What position of leadership do you desire to serve in?

Spiritual Covering and Church

Is this your personal church home?*

Do you attend weekly?*

Is the program, or will it be, affiliated with a separate (non church-based) ministry?

If “Yes” answer the following and move on to the next section (Open Ended Questions), if “No” go directly to the next section.

Open Ended Questions

Have you ever been through a Desert Stream program before?

Are you currently on any medication?

Have you ever been hospitalized?

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

Are, or were, you or either of your parents chemically dependent?

Do you recall any significant, traumatic incidents in your life, (i.e.: verbal, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse)?

Do you struggle with any homosexual tendencies or feelings?

Have you ever been involved in a long-term sexual relationship (heterosexual or homosexual) outside of marriage?

Do you believe heterosexual sex outside of marriage is sinful?

Faith Based Questions and Information

What specific areas of support and/or instruction do you desire? (Choose all that apply)

Do you consider yourself charismatic in terms of today’s expression of the spiritual gifts found in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11?

Registration and Deposit

Once you click submit you will be redirected to the final registration form. Please select your deposit and provide your participant information.


